• 3 Ways to Get Your Australian Partner Visa Processed Faster

    Did you know that the average processing time for a partner visa in Australia can take up to two years? When you're eager to begin your new life with your partner as soon as possible, the application can feel like aeons. Thankfully, there are some ways you can speed up the process and get your partner visa quicker. In fact, if you take all the necessary steps, you may even be able to bring that time down to less than one year.
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  • The Requirements You Need To Meet Before You Can Apply For A Protection Visa

    Australia has a lot of different application forms for many different visas which can allow foreign visitors and migrants to apply to stay in the country long-term. One of these is known as a protection visa, and it is a very popular option because it allows the holder to remain in Australia permanently and even to bring family members in as well. However, before you apply for a protection visa, you should consider whether you meet the criteria and you should also meet with a professional immigration attorney.
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  • Visitor Visa: Three Essential Tips for Avoiding Application Mistakes

    If you are interested in applying for a visitor visa, you should conduct research and plan extensively before proceeding. Poor preparation can lead to the rejection of your application. Moreover, if your application is rejected, you might end up losing financially and wasting a lot of time. In general, some applications are rejected because the applicant is ineligible or the information provided is invalid or fraudulent. In other cases, the rejection might come due to errors in the application.
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  • What Makes Family Visa Applicants Stand a High Chance of Being Approved?

    Some prospective immigrants debate whether they should apply for a family member visa or they should apply for a visa in their own right. This is because they do not have adequate information about how immigration authorities view family visa applicants in comparison to applicants of other visa types. This article discusses the contribution that family members make in their host nations and that is why you would stand a high chance of being approved as a family visa applicant.
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